Uruguay Jewish youth group graduates celebrate Israel and Shavei Israel

Uruguay Jewish youth group graduates celebrate Israel and Shavei Israel

Recently, in honor of the Independence of the State of Israel, 45 graduates of the Bnei Akiva youth movement of Uruguay met in a hotel by the Kineret (Sea of Galilee). They enjoyed touring Israel, celebrated the independence of the State of Israel and remembered their shared past in the Bnei Akiva Movement. As part of their programming, the group was very interested in Shavei Israel’s activities and asked our deputy director, Edith Blaustein, to speak about the vibrant activity of Shavei Israel in its different facets.

The participants were particularly interested in the various communities we work with and asked specifically about the Ten Lost Tribes, how the absorption of the Bnei Menashe in Israel can be evaluated and various questions about the conversion process that our students carry out in Machon Miriam (our Spanish language conversion center) and in Machon Milton (our English language conversion center).

They were surprised at the phenomenon of emerging communities in Latin America in particular and they all showed their great admiration for the work that our founder, Michael Freund, does and expressed their wish that there were more people like him in Israel.

