Holidays & Festivals

Like in previous years, this Passover our communities all over the world enjoyed the holiday. Eating matza and other special foods, gathering for the seder, taking day trips and having family time.  Now Pesach is over – the matzah is finished, the special Passover dishes put...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]For Jews around the world, having matza for their Passover seder is as simple as walking into their local grocery store. For communities like the Bnei Menashe in northeast India, having matza requires coordination and dedication as the...

Shavei Israel communities all over the world celebrated Purim this week and we know they had a great time because we have the photos to prove it! In particular, we have received many, many photos and videos from some of our beloved 'emerging' communities throughout Latin...

The recent holiday of Tu B'Shevat, which is usually a day of nature and planting, was actually a day of rainy weather this year in Israel, causing many of the usual activities to be postponed or even canceled. Thanks to Odaya, a National Service girl, who...

Many Jewish families around the world have a tradition to have a Tu B'Shevat 'seder', or ceremonial meal. Just as at a Passover seder, symbolic foods are eaten in a special order in celebration of the important role trees play in our life. It's traditional...

It was a very special Chanukah in the emerging Jewish community of Shmaya v'Avtalyon in Armenia, El Salvador, a city not far from the capital, San Salvador.  Beginning with the bar mitzvah of Ariel Guevara, on the first night of Chanukah, where literally lighting the Chanukah...

This year, as always, we were inundated with photos and videos of light and celebration from our communities around the world as they celebrated the holiday of Chanukah.  Some highlights from this year are the many photos we received from emerging communities in Latin America, and...

At the start of Chanukah, Shavei Israel had a guest of honor who gave us a wonderful talk about her personal life and her connection to Judaism. This unique and beautiful person is the famous Spanish-speaking actress Sara Mintz, former student of the Machon Miriam...

The holiday of Sukkot is one of fresh air, family and fun. Jewish people all over the world build special outdoor booths or huts in which to eat and even sleep throughout the week-long holiday. The huts, called sukkot, are typically built of locally-found materials and...

As the holiday of Sukkot approaches, Jewish people all over the world are preparing special outdoor booths or huts in which to eat and even sleep throughout the week-long holiday. Many more photos to come, but here's a peek at early preparations.   [flickrstream id="3"]...