
This week Shavei Israel and students from Machon Miriam's conversion program participated in a trip to Hebron organized by the Tiferet organization and the Jerusalem Municipality under the wonderful guidance of Diego Hakohen and Rav Aryeh Natan. The walk began in Mearat Hamachpela (Tomb of the...

Since the Bnei Menashe have begun to settle in Nof Hagalil, a city nestled above pastural hills in the central Galilee, 1225 have made it their home.  With Ronen Plot, Mayor of Nof Hagalil since 2016, and an ardent and welcoming supporter of the Bnei Menashe,...

Ambato, Ecuador is an oasis, of sorts. Situated in the center of Ecuador, many people pass through this city to go to all parts of the country. The tiny, emerging Jewish community there is made up of twenty families, around 60 people, and, due to...

The Jewish community in Lodz, Poland, with Shavei Israel emissary Rabbi Dawid Szychowski, celebrated a very special Tu B’Shevat. The first part was aimed to meet with Polish activists who preserve the Jewish heritage of their town. The participants learnt from Rabbi Dawid about Tu B’Shevat...

This year, we were overwhelmed - in a good way! - with photos and videos of light and celebration from our communities around the world as they celebrated the holiday of Chanukah. Perhaps it was because there was so much darkness these past two years,...

Little Moshe Muñoz, a three-year-old in Ecuador, just got his first haircut and he is very excited. It wasn't just a haircut, though. There is a special custom that many Jews have of waiting until a boy is three to cut his hair for the...

Like every year, we receive many images from our communities around the world for every holiday. We're pleased to share a visual experience of the celebrations of Sukkot in our communities from India to Israel! One of the fun things about working with Jewish communities around...

Six immigrant Bnei Menashe couples, who recently made Aliyah from India, were remarried under the chupah here in Israel in a beautiful ceremony.  The weddings were part of the ongoing process of formal conversion to Judaism and acclimation to Israel as the 252 new arrivals prepare...

Eleven Bnei Menashe couples, all of whom recently immigrated to Israel from northeastern India, were remarried Wednesday in a festive and emotional group ceremony at Shavei Israel’s absorption center in Nordia, near Netanya, after completing their formal conversion to Judaism by the Chief Rabbinate. The 11...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Like we do every year, we've collected Chanukah photos from our wonderful communities in countries around the world. The people are so happy to share. Please explore the lit candles in menorahs of every size and shape, the...