Parshat HaShavua

Yitro joins Moshe.  He advises Moshe in delegating to judges.  At Mt. Sinai, G-d offers the Jewish people to be a treasured people.  The Ten Commandments are given at Sinai.  The people quake in response.  1st aliya (18:1-12) Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law, moved by the exodus from...

Paro pursues, the sea splits, the people sing.  The people traveled and complained for water in Mara, for bread and meat in the Desert of Sin and for water in Refidim.  Amalek attacked and was defeated. 1st aliya (13:17-14:8) G-d guides the Jews in the direction...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks The Parsha begins in the middle of the story. Yosef has just told Yehuda and all the brothers that Binyamin, the thief, will become a slave to Yosef. All the others are free to leave. Our Parsha begins with Yehuda’s long and...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks Yosef ascends from jail to complete control of Egypt. Paro has a dream. The Butler remembers Yosef in jail. Yosef tells Paro of 7 impending years of plenty followed by 7 of famine. Yosef is appointed to manage the hoarding of food...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks Yaakov’s challenges never seem to end. He returns to the land of Israel. He is fearful of a confrontation with Esav. He prepares by dividing his entourage. A man fights him through the night, changing his name to Israel from Yaakov at...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks Our Parsha begins with Yaakov fleeing the land of Israel from Esav’s murderous intent and it concludes with his return to the land of Israel. He dreams as he leaves of a ladder reaching to Heaven with G-d promising that He will...

Rav Reuven Tradburks This is the parsha of Yitzchak and Rivka’s life. Rivka has twins, Esav and Yaakov. Yaakov buys the birthright from Esav. Yitzchak goes to Gerar in a famine, is told not to leave the land, digs the wells Avraham dug and renews the...

By: Rav Elisha Salas - [Rav Salas was an emissary for Shavei Israel, serving as community rabbi in Portugal, Spain and Central America between the years of 2003-2019] Avraham is a character in the Bible. His life and work are narrated in the book of Genesis, whose...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks Parshat Noach describes: the destruction of the world through the Flood, Noah and his family, the story of the Tower of Babel and the introduction of Avraham’s family. The first 2 parshiot in our Torah, Breishit and Noach, are essentially parallel creation stories,...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks With Parshat Nitzavim we begin 4 very short parshiot that are the conclusion of the Torah. Although this parsha has but 40 verses, the emotional impact is hard to match. The Talmud says that the curses of Parshat Ki Tavo should be read...