Tu B’Shevat around the world – 2022

Tu B’Shevat around the world – 2022

The Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, or, literally, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, is also called Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot, which means ‘New Year for the Trees’. Tree planting, fruit eating, special ‘seders’ for the holiday and other celebrations of nature and trees take place all over Israel and the world.

As we celebrate, in Israel and in communities everywhere, people enjoy the fruit of the trees – especially those of the seven special species of Israel. Another ubiquitous Tu Beshevat activity is planting trees which sends a message of solidarity to future generations (who will be the ones to appreciate the planting done today) and emphasizes the back-to-nature side of Judaism that is meant to go hand-in-hand with Torah learning and prayer. 

As we’re all bundling up against the frigid weather, some wonder why our tree holiday falls in winter. And it’s because the Jewish holidays follow the agricultural cycles in Israel. Yes, it’s winter, but mid-winter is exactly when the trees in Israel begin to bloom.

Our communities around the world have been celebrating regardless of the weather and the cold. And we have lots of pictures…

Tu B’Shevat around the world – 2022

